August Update - 2016 AGM Agenda

Date: 7-9pm Wednesday 21st September 2016
Location: TSK Turl Street
We hope you’ve already got Wednesday 21st September in your diary for this year’s AGM. The purpose of the meeting is to bring OCLT’s members together with the Board to review the past year, to decide on priorities for the next and to vote in any new board members. We are especially interested in having new board members with expertise in any aspect of affordable housing, legal, financial and delivery. Please get in touch if you have a couple of hours a month to spare to help us build a permanently affordable housing sector in the city and county.
Timings for AGM:
19:00 Welcome from Charlie Fisher
Annual Report from our Chair, Sue Brownill
Finance report from Jock Coats
Voting in new Board followed by refreshments
20:00 The year ahead from Fran Ryan
20:05 Introducing Homes for Oxford, the model for providing permanently affordable homes and where OCLT fits in Deborah Glass Woodin and Ruth Layton followed by discussion and questions.
20:45 Closing remarks Sue Brownill