Event: Affordable Housing in Oxfordshire - Can the Housing White Paper deliver?

Affordable Housing in Oxfordshire - Can the Housing White Paper deliver?
6pm-8pm, Thursday 23rd March 2016
Snow Room, John Henry Brookes Building, Oxford Brookes University, Headington Campus, London Road
Organised by Oxfordshire Community Land Trust and CPRE Oxfordshire
(Please note that parking at the site is very restricted and we recommend you take advantage of the good public transport links. However, if you have mobility issues, please let us know.)
The publication of the Government’s long-awaited Housing White Paper provides an opportunity for the many groups and individuals with an interest in promoting affordable housing in Oxfordshire to come together to share responses and to jointly consider ways forward.
The White Paper itself contains a range of proposals which the government hopes will boost affordable housing supply. Consultation on these is open until May 2. But these are not the only possible initiatives and we hope that a discussion of the White Paper can spark wider debates and enable us to share information and co-ordinate activities.
With this in mind, Oxfordshire Community Land Trust and the Oxfordshire Branch of the Campaign to Protect Rural England would like to invite you to an informal discussion to consider:
a) If/how the White Paper addresses the need for permanently affordable housing?
b) What gaps/areas of concern are there?
c) What response should we feed back to government?
d) The opportunities that already exist to address the issue – in particular, the Community-Led Housing Fund
e) Other ideas for meeting the gaps
f) If/how we might work more closely together on these issues in the future.
The evening will start with very brief presentations on the purposes of the evening, the White Paper and the Community-Led Housing Fund, and will be followed by small group discussions focused on the key questions set out above. We would welcome suggestions for further questions and points for discussion.
If you would like any further information, please feel free to contact either Sue or Helen as below.
We very much hope that you, or a colleague, will be able to attend. You are also welcome to circulate this to others in your network who you think may be interested.
RSVP by Friday 17 March to:
Becky Crockett, T: 01491 612079 E: administrator@cpreoxon.org.