OCLT is bidding with Homes for Oxford for the Irving Building in East Oxford

We're deligthed to say we're working with Homes for Oxford to assemble a bid for the Irving Building in East Oxford. This was announced at our recent AGM. More info below, but if you're short of time but want to help then you can donate to our bid costs by clicking here https://www.justgiving.com/irvingbuilding
Since the AGM we set up a Just Giving page to attract small donations from locals and supporters to cover the bid costs. This will be a total of about £12.5K in all of which £6.5K still needs to be raised. We invite people to contribute to this, lots of small amounts are what is needed, not just to make up the total, but even more importantly to demonstrate that this has broad support from the community. We will update you about plans soon, meantime contact us directly if you have any burning questions.
Report from the AGM
OCLT had a small gathering for the AGM at Turl Street Kitchen on September 21st. Sue Brownill reported on the year, thanking Cath Little who stood down as OCLT director. Bob Colenutt stepped up and was elected along with the eight other directors who were standing again.
Deborah Glass-Woodin presented the model currently being developed by Homes for Oxford: the Land Trust plays a vital part and will be used to hold the land in perpetuity on behalf of local people. Homes will be built by the Land Trust and then sold or leased to housing coops. Cooperative leases will be used to ensure there is no right to buy, thus preserving affordability in perpetuity. The aim will be to have mixed tenure housing (some open market, some shared ownership, some social rented) but all will be run as coops .
Dean Court Update
Fran reported that OCLT is continuing to work with Stonesfield to resolve the issues relating to the disposal of the land in Dean Court where we have planning permission for six affordable homes. OCLT are quietly hopeful that this will soon be resolved and we can get things moving again.
Irving Building
The Irving Building is a beloved Victorian school building in Hertford Street, East Oxford soon to be sold by the local Parochial Church Council.
Plans are well underway to put in a community led bid. Architects have been appointed, a quantity surveyor has been found, business planning is underway. On Tuesday 27th Fran and Deborah Glass-Woodin (OCLT member but also a Director of Homes for Oxford) presented the emerging plans for the site to 30 local people in SSM&J Church on Cowley Road. The vision for the site is that it will be community owned and managed for the benefit of the local community in perpetuity. The development will be have a mix of homes and office space and as much community space as is viable. Some homes will be for sale on the open market in order to fund the affordable homes. At least half the homes will be affordable, some social rented and some shared ownership. The combination of the Land Trust and Cooperative leases will enable us to prevent any Right to Buy thus ensuring the homes are affordable in perpetuity.
This was well received and some important points of feedback were noted. Several people also volunteered time to help make the project happen. Please get in touch if you have energy and skills to be involved. (Email info@oclt.org.uk)