Tenants Co-op First Steps

OCLT held its first meeting with prospective tenants in Dean Court Community Centre on 27th September 2014. Sally Daniels who works with Askew Cavannagh architects came up from Bristol specially to describe the buildings and their distinctive features.
There was a lot of discussion about the energy saving aspects of the building as we anticipate having pleasingly low gas and electricity bills while still being warm and snuggly throughout the winter. Fran Ryan from OCLT discussed the setting up of the Housing Cooperative (all tenants will be members and have equal voting rights over the decisions the coop chooses to take responsibility for). She also said that full training will be given to tenants which was the main reason OCLT were looking for tenants now almost a year before the properties will be ready to move in to. Lots to learn about before moving in.
The application process is still being finalised and forms will be sent to those who have expressed interest (and attended meetings) as soon as they are ready.
About a dozen local people who need homes, and who are interested in becoming part of the coop came to the meeting and we had a lively discussion over tea followed by a site visit. A good start to building the community of people who will live in the homes.
OCLT will have a second meeting for those interested who could not make September 27th. If you are interested (and meet the criteria for application) but not yet on our mailing list then email fran.ryan@oclt.org.uk or charlie@oclt.org.uk to get on the list.